Speculative Fact: Joey Holder discusses ecologies, technology & magical thinking in the latest episode of AQNB’s Artist Statement podcast

, 11 August 2020

“Science fiction almost becomes science,” says artist Joey Holder on the way in which popular culture affects the development of technology. “Our imaginations of what the future is going to be like becomes the future.” Speaking to associate editor Jared Davis on topics ranging from ecologies of eel populations to magic and ritual for AQNB’s bi-monthly Artist Statement podcast, this latest episode with the Nottingham-based artist is available exclusively to subscribers of our Patreon.

Holder has held solo exhibitions at the likes of Matt’s Gallery London—where her recent video Semelparous is currently viewing onlineWysing Arts Centre and Sonic Acts Amsterdam. Her shows create expansive mixed media environments, for instance her most recent exhibition in a disused swimming pool and leisure centre left to ruin in North London. Calling from her East Midlands home—where she runs the Chaos Magic project space—Holder spoke in depth on our strange relationship with the rational in an online age.

Joey Holder, Adcredo – The Deep Belief Network (2018). Exhibition view. Courtesy the artist + Quad, Derby.

Speculative Fact is the latest in our Artist Statement podcast series, with past episodes featuring Katja Novitskova, Lawrence Lek, Colin Self and Cristine Brache. The full episode is accessible to our subscribers right now on Patreon. Sign up now: www.patreon.com/aqnb.**

The latest episode of AQNB’s Artist Statement podcast featuring Joey Holder is available exclusively to our subscribers today.