Seven Orbits envisions post-rave-induced psychosis on the brutalist rhythmic exercises & sobering textures of ‘Ravevv101’

, 19 March 2020

Seven Orbits is releasing album EP0001 via SVBKVLT on March 20, with preview track ‘Ravevv101’ premiering on AQNB today. This is the London-based artist’s musical debut.

This track challenges the electrifying hustle of hallmark rave motifs, transforming them into sobering automations. Reverberated sirens ascend over granulated breakbeats and pulsating white-noise subs reminiscent of Shapednoise’s 2019 record Aesthesis. As the brutalist rhythmic exercises subduct under swaths of blown out bass lines, the artist reaches a conclusion: the rave is over and an impending psychosis looms in its aftermath.** 

Seven Orbits’ EP0001 is out on SVBKVLT March 20.