The restless, jazz-tinged ambient of Nick Malkin’s ‘Non Smoking Room’ captures the melancholy & impossible beauty of a life lived in longing

, 2 November 2021

Nick Malkin is releasing LP Nothing Blues via Warsaw’s Mondoj on November 4, with preview track ‘Non Smoking Room’ premiering via AQNB today. The DJ, musician, composer and Post-Geography label founder has long been a Los Angeles fixture, performing with the likes of  LA Vampires and Sun Araw, and releasing his own restless and eclectic electronic music under the Afterhours moniker through Not Not Fun.

More recent material released under his own name arrives at a more moody, jazz-infused ambient, where last year’s A Typical Night in the Pit stalks a late-night urban somnolence of looping instrumental recordings and eavesdropped conversation. Nothing Blues is more interior, where a heavy sense of loss and numb defeat overwhelms the seven vignettes that blankly yearn for another reality. ‘Non Smoking Room’ features saxophone from American Dreams artist Patrick Shiroishi, which plays dejectedly over the slow-rolling clatter and signal interference of these beautifully sad sounds of a life in suspension.**

Nick Malkin’s Nothing Blues LP is out via Warsaw’s Mondoj on November 4, 2021.