J. Ka Ching’s euphoric death drive is distilled in the industrial rave rush of ‘Foament Into Light (feat. Lockbox & Ornine)’

, 23 January 2020

J. Ka Ching (aka Jevon Voon) self-releases single ‘Foament Into Light (feat. Lockbox & Ornine)’, premiering on AQNB today, January 23. The Montreal-based artist released album Another Vanishing City via Quantum Natives in August last year, which they described as a “cultural hybrid” using typically ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ musical motifs.

The pitched vocals, chaotic structure and omnivorous mix of styles of that record drew comparisons to PC Music, cloud rap and, of course, the very broad assignation of post-club music. On ‘Foament Into Light’, however, the addition of New York-based Lockbox and Osaka-based Ornine generates a heavier and oddly more integrated excursion into an updated trance and industrial track for the technocene era of acceleration. Synth saws crash over crunching distortion and filtered, cut-up vocals to produce a euphoric rave toward death.**

J. Ka Ching’s ‘Foament Into Light (feat. Lockbox & Ornine)’ is self-released on January 23, 2020.