As Rights Go By… @ freiraum Q21, Apr 13 – Jun 5

, 12 April 2016

The As Rights Go By – On the Erosion and Denial of Rights group show is on at Vienna’s freiraum quartier21 space in the MuseumsQuartier, opening April 13 and running to June 5.

Organised by curator Sabine Winkler and featuring the likes of Yuri Pattison, James Bridle and Nikita Kadan, the artworks in the large exhibition explore the impact of globalisation, financialisation, and mass surveillance on civil rights and human rights, as well as the social and judicial inequality they entail.

The issue of the distribution of rights is also topical now in an art context, the press release notes, and in this respect the show, which is held in on the ground floor of a building that gathers ‘creatives’ and people working in the cultural industry, will extend its exploration of social or societal asymmetries inside aesthetics and what is visible of the conditions of an individual’s art production.

Other works featured in As Rights Go By will be a board game version of everyday reality in crisis-ridden Greece by Lina Theodorou, a legal contract written backwards by Carey Young and works by George Drivas, Silvia Beck, Özlem Günyol/Mustafa Kunt, Kollektiv Migrafona (Belinda Kazeem, Petja Dimitrova, Radostina Patulova, Vlatka Frketić, Vina Yun), Vladimir Miladinović, Lorenzo Pezzani und Charles Heller (Forensic Architecture), Julien Prévieux, Andrea Ressi, and Judith Siegmund.

See the freiraum quartier21 for more details.**

Yuri Pattison, 'Chelyabinsk eBay Extrusion'. Photo by Andy Crouch. Image courtesy the artist.
Yuri Pattison, ‘Chelyabinsk eBay Extrusion’ (2013). Courtesy the artist.