Yuri Pattison

Every area of our daily life. Hybrid Layers opens at ZKM, Jun 3 – Jan 7

29 May 2017

The Hybrid Layers group exhibition at Karlsruhe’s ZKM opens June 3 and is running to January 7, 2018.

Looking at the intersection of social, technological and aesthetic debate, the show will “reflect on how comprehensively the digital realm influences every area of our daily life, our perception and our production of knowledge” and includes work by Sophia Al MariaAuto Italia South East, Guan Xiao, Katja Novitskova, Yuri Pattison, Tabita Rezaire, and Rachel de Joode among others.

Both physical and virtual, the show will include video, performance, and sculpture, all exploring the way our feelings and actions have been profoundly altered and speculations on what the future will bring. Picking apart the layers of hybridity, the 22 artists included examine how this situation “influences our globally networked world.”

Visit the ZKM website for details.**

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What comes after resistance? Acoustic Mirrors at Diaspore, Mar 29 – Apr 30

28 March 2017

The Acoustic Mirrors group exhibition is on at London’s Diaspore, opening March 29 and running to April 30.

Curated by Lou-Atessa Marcellin and Edward Hill of Friche, the show includes contributions from A—Z, Lucie Beauvert, Chroma Yoga, Friche, Rebecca Glover, Louis Henderson, Edward Hill, Lou-Atessa Marcellin, Tom McCaughan, Inês Neto dos Santos, Yuri Pattison, Rachel Pimm, The Quorum, The Restart Project, RCA School Group, Superlative TV, Chooc Ly Tan, Konstantinos Trichas, Theo Turpin and The Waggle Dancers.

The press release leaves little to be revealed, but includes fragmentary sentences that ask us to piece together and create relations between “generating flows of images no one has the stomach to digest” and “a half asleep flower [who] wakes up in a rage and throws her smartphone at the face of her inquisitor.” Ending in “Resistance is the first move, listening is the strategy, conversation comes next?” we can expect a program dedicated to fostering community and dialogue, and its place within finding answers.

Diaspore is project space commited to ideas of “ecology(ies), ecosystems and their communities” and is led by artists, scientists, chefs and other community groups, and is open to “all who wish to get involved.”

See the Diaspore website for details.**


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Yuri Pattison @ Chisenhale Gallery, Jul 15

13 July 2016

Chisenhale Gallery is presenting an early morning viewing of Yuri Pattison’s exhibition user, space with an introduction by Tommie Introna, Offsite and Education Assistant at the gallery on July 15.

The London-based artist’s solo exhibition runs from July 7 to August 28, occupies the entire gallery and is a major new commission resulting from Pattison’s 18-month residency at Chisenhale Gallery, produced in partnership with Create.

An immersive installation comprised of digital and sculptural elements creates a “speculative live/work environment” that draws influence from “Modernist architecture and science fiction”, the show is an imagined vision of a “utopian space of fantastic social and political potential”.

Nora N. Khan, a contributing Editor at Rhizome, has been commissioned to write ‘Commons‘, a fictional text in response to Pattison’s new work.

See the FB event page for more details.**

Yuri Pattison @ Chisenhale

Yuri Pattison, user, space (2016). Exhibition view. Courtesy Chisenhale Gallery, London.

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As Rights Go By… @ freiraum Q21, Apr 13 – Jun 5

12 April 2016

The As Rights Go By – On the Erosion and Denial of Rights group show is on at Vienna’s freiraum quartier21 space in the MuseumsQuartier, opening April 13 and running to June 5.

Organised by curator Sabine Winkler and featuring the likes of Yuri Pattison, James Bridle and Nikita Kadan, the artworks in the large exhibition explore the impact of globalisation, financialisation, and mass surveillance on civil rights and human rights, as well as the social and judicial inequality they entail.

The issue of the distribution of rights is also topical now in an art context, the press release notes, and in this respect the show, which is held in on the ground floor of a building that gathers ‘creatives’ and people working in the cultural industry, will extend its exploration of social or societal asymmetries inside aesthetics and what is visible of the conditions of an individual’s art production.

Other works featured in As Rights Go By will be a board game version of everyday reality in crisis-ridden Greece by Lina Theodorou, a legal contract written backwards by Carey Young and works by George Drivas, Silvia Beck, Özlem Günyol/Mustafa Kunt, Kollektiv Migrafona (Belinda Kazeem, Petja Dimitrova, Radostina Patulova, Vlatka Frketić, Vina Yun), Vladimir Miladinović, Lorenzo Pezzani und Charles Heller (Forensic Architecture), Julien Prévieux, Andrea Ressi, and Judith Siegmund.

See the freiraum quartier21 for more details.**

Yuri Pattison, 'Chelyabinsk eBay Extrusion'. Photo by Andy Crouch. Image courtesy the artist.
Yuri Pattison, ‘Chelyabinsk eBay Extrusion’ (2013). Courtesy the artist.
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Piotr Łakomy @ Lock Up International, Feb 29 – March 6

29 February 2016

Lock Up International will host a solo show by Piotr Łakomy in Mexico City opening February 29 and running March 6. 

There is little information given around the coming show, Untitled_Map 2011, but Łakomy’s work, which takes recognisable items and objects and makes them somehow into brief memorials, may seem to fit perfectly within Lock Up International’s transient set up. The project, set up by artist Lewis Teague Wright opens shows around the world, occupying different storage units for short periods of time.

Meanwhile, there will also be group show Safety Box Deposit in Frankfurt, opening March 4 and running to March 11. The show is co-curated by Lock Up and Celena Ohmer and it is inside a bank vault, with each artist making something to be unlocked.

Artists for Safety Box Deposit include Bruno Zhu, Emily Jones, Yuri Pattison and Sydney Shen.

See Lock Up International‘s exhibitions page for (limited) details**

Safety Deposit Box, event image (2016). Courtesy Lock Up International.
Safety Deposit Box, event image (2016). Courtesy Lock Up International.


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Grand Orpheus Highway @ La Plage, Dec 4 – Jan 11

4 December 2015

The Grand Orpheus Highway group exhibition is on at Paris’s La Plage, opening December 4 and running to January 11, 2016.

Following its inaugural show with Berlin-based artist Ilja Karilampi’s Truss Mi Daddy, the new space will feature work by London-based artists Iain Ball and Yuri Pattison, along with LA’s Parker Ito.

There is little information on the theme of the exhibition save for a short bit of poetry referencing Greek mythology’s tragic god-couple Orpheus and Eurydice, physical highways and information networks as a space of transition and a potential analogy for lost hope:

“It is night. Orpheus glances back and crosses Eurydice’s gaze
Intersecting between Grand and Orpheus, the highway
a place of transition
where some things change
others remain the same
at this speed, systems of information and structures of power are unveiled
Who is looking?
I don’t know
I don’t care

Looking back
The highway’s in ruins”

See the La Plage website for (limited) details.**

Parker Ito, Parker Cheeto’s Infinite Haunted Hobo Playlist (A Dream for Some, a Nightmare for others) exhibition view. Courtesy Smart Objects.
Parker Ito, Parker Cheeto’s Infinite Haunted Hobo Playlist (A Dream for Some, a Nightmare for others). Exhibition view. Courtesy Smart Objects, Los Angeles.

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Abjects finissage @ Import Projects, Oct 24

23 October 2015

The Abjects group show, curated by Franziska Sophie Wildförster is closing with an event at Berlin’s Import Projects on October 24.

Running since September 18 and featuring work by Eloise BonneviotEmily JonesPaul KnealeYuri Pattison, and Andrew Norman Wilson, the exhibition explores how the word ‘abjection’ applies to specific circumstances and “poses the emergence of a new kind of abject lurking underneath contemporary experiences mediated by technology”.

The closing event will include a conversation between media theorist Paul Feigelfeld, artist and writer Boaz Levin and curator Wildförster.

See Import Projects website for details.**

Abjects (2015). Exhibition view. Photo by Ben Busch. Courtesy Import Projects, Berlin.
Abjects (2015) exhibition view. Photo by Ben Busch. Courtesy Import Projects, Berlin.
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Abjects @ Import Projects, Sep 18 – Oct 24

17 September 2015

Import Projects brings in a new group show titled Abjects, running at their Berlin space, opening September 18 and running to October 24.

The group exhibition, curated by Franziska Sophie Wildförster, brings together the works of five different artists: Eloïse BonneviotEmily JonesPaul KnealeYuri Pattison and Andrew Norman Wilson.

Inspired by Julia Kristeva’s 1980 essay “Powers of the Horrors: An essay on Abjection”, the show explores her notion of the abject and its “psychic origins and mechanisms of revulsion and disgust” emerging out of a confrontation with death, with violence, with vulnerability of decay. 

See the exhibition page for details. **

Emily Jones, The Hudson River (2014) @ Lima Zulu. Courtesy the artist.
Emily Jones, The Hudson River (2014) @ Lima Zulu. Courtesy the artist.
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Send Cycle + Monopole Memory @ Neumeister Bar-Am, Sep 16 – Nov 7

16 September 2015

A collaborative exhibition, Send Cycle, by artists Aaron Graham and Bryan Morello is taking place at Berlin’s Neumeister Bar-Am, accompanied by Cecile B. Evans and Yuri Pattison‘s Monopole Memory installation, opening September 16 and running to November 7.

Featuring artists based across the timezones of New York, LA and London, both presentations take time and space as key themes. Send Cycle is an “urgent combination of the high and low tech” in its combined staged photography and found images (or, perhaps, objects) taken from the internet. The Monopole Memory installation explores memory as its own place, that in turn is physically realised in the Der Würfel eighty-centimetre cubed project space.

See the Neumeister Bar-Am website for details.**

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Yuri Pattison @ Chisenhale Gallery, Aug 13

12 August 2015

London’s Chisenhale Gallery is hosting a “crypto-party”-inspired workshop led by artist Yuri Pattison this Thursday, August 13.

The workshop is Pattison’s response to the “growing anxiety surrounding surveillance, mass communication, big data and information overload”, a kind of lesson in everything from the evasion of online monitoring systems and improvement of our online security to how to relax amidst it all.

The artist hosts the workshop as part of his 18-month residency at Chisenhale Gallery Create Residency, titled Enquire to Annotate and comprised of a new website, sculpture works, and a series of events marking the midpoint of Pattison’s commission.

See the FB event page for details. **


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