Kareem Lotfy @ OSLO10 for Ai

, 19 August 2015

Artist Kareem Lofty is taking part in the second web residency of OSLO10‘s Ai curatorial programme, run by “post-gender avatar” Agatha Valkyrie Ice, called Club Mirage and running online throughout August.

The Netherlands-based artist will be featured on the website and at hyperloglog.tumblr.com, treated less as an exhibition and more as a project and a site for sharing research, ideas and visual material that will expand during the Lotfy’s residency, which right now includes the artist’s BAŞ BAŞA mix (below) produced as Dj Saudi Cables.

Previously featuring artist Juliette Bonneviot’s Xenoestrogens residency in June, the Ai curatorial programme complements the physical exhibition programme OSLO10, which includes an OTTOLINGER presentation on, August 20.

See the event page for details. **