Luca Francesconi @ Cosmos Carl now live

, 24 November 2014

Cosmos Carl, a new online platform based in South East London, is introducing its latest resident artist, Luca Francesconi, live on their site since November 14 and available as long as the link Francesconi provided is active.

The online platform aims to explore the “possibilities of artistic production and distribution through the world wide web”, bringing together artists experimenting with the internet and using its platforms “as vehicles for their practice”. Because Cosmos Carl expands through links to outside material, it functions as a type of parasite, merely hosting the links provided by its contributing artists on a two-week rotation.

Luca Francesconi, Cosmos Carl’s latest resident, provides his YouTube Playlist, ‘Fieldwork‘, as material, specifically designing the playlist for the online platform. Taking a digital approach to his more sculptural background, Francesconi explores the “increasing alienation of nature through industrial production and food chains”, using ‘Fieldwork’ to image “the internet as overlapping fields in dialogue between agriculture and curating”.

Future Cosmos Carl residents will include Leslie Kulesh, Paul Kneale and Eloise Bonneviot, among others.

See the Cosmos Carl website for details. **