Dave Miko @ Real Fine Arts, Sep 13 – Oct 26

, 12 September 2014

Real Fine Arts will be welcoming artist Dave Miko back for his second exhibition at the Brooklyn space, titled The Hangover and running from September 13 to October 26.

The American-born painter has been featured in exhibitions ever since he graduated with an MFA from Yale, most recently in March’s An Exhibition of Painting Obscured by an Evening of Performance at the same gallery, July’s group exhibition at NYC’s Martos titled Every day in every way I’m freely opening my senses to the beauty in myself and opening up to all the beauty around me and in all the people I will encounter, and August’s group show with Ned Vena and Antek Walczak at NYC’s Algus Greenspon.

Miko’s paintings are often perplexing, giving both rise and expression to some sort of generalised and flattened modern anxiety. Shapes and letters come out of left field, compositions teeter on uneven grounds, punctuated by fragments of poetry and straddling some ephemeral place between the painful consciousness of being alive and the dreamlike absurdity of it all.

There is currently no exhibition page for this show. **
