Fay Nicolson @ Kunstraum, Aug 5

, 2 August 2016

Fay Nicolson is presenting a new performance, Over and Over Pure Form at London’s Kunstraum on August 5.

Based on a text written by the London-based artist of the same title, it is accompanied by a chorus of five performers and percussion and a meditation on “the reality of art education today and how bodies, behaviours, and attitudes are moulded through formal terminologies or ideologies”. Adopting the structure of a typical semester in art school, it reflects on the changing nature of art education.

Nicolson borrows from a variety of teaching methods from the visual exercises of Josef Albers to the formal methods developed by Richard Hamilton and presents a manifesto “calling for an art education which revalues physical experience” with an emphasis on the body and touch.

See the Kunstraum gallery website for more details.**

Fay Nicolson @ Kunstraum, Aug 5

Fay Nicolson, ‘Un Make Me’ (2016). Installation view. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Rolando Anselmi, Berlin.

Sex, authorship + institutions in the digital age for Young Boy Dancing Group’s Euro Tour starting in London, Sep 16 + 17

15 September 2017

Fay Nicolson is presenting a new performance, Over and Over Pure Form at London’s Kunstraum on August 5.

Based on a text written by the London-based artist of the same title, it is accompanied by a chorus of five performers and percussion and a meditation on “the reality of art education today and how bodies, behaviours, and attitudes are moulded through formal terminologies or ideologies”. Adopting the structure of a typical semester in art school, it reflects on the changing nature of art education.

Nicolson borrows from a variety of teaching methods from the visual exercises of Josef Albers to the formal methods developed by Richard Hamilton and presents a manifesto “calling for an art education which revalues physical experience” with an emphasis on the body and touch.

See the Kunstraum gallery website for more details.**

Fay Nicolson @ Kunstraum, Aug 5

Fay Nicolson, ‘Un Make Me’ (2016). Installation view. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Rolando Anselmi, Berlin.

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