Cara Tolmie @ Pump House Gallery, Jun 10

, 8 June 2016

Artist Cara Tolmie is presenting ‘Incongruous Diva’ at London’s Pump House Gallery on June 10.

The ongoing performance will interrogate and destabilise the role of the singer as it is performed and valued as a voice in contemporary pop culture.

Tolmie will include in an array and “conflict of physical, aural and written languages” to question the invisible economies that stick to this role via YouTube covers, vocal sampling and the tyrannical measurement of ‘raw talent’.

Previous work by the artist —who recently presented Litmus Shuffle with artist Patrick Staff at Berlin’s KW —carries with it phrasing in both its description and content such as “characterised by enthralment” and tends between long research-based experiments in front of listening audiences, and embracing and showing the “superficial exchange” of email communication with collaborators.

‘Incongruous Diva’ is a part of current show The Grounds We Tread at Pump House which will run until June 19.

See the Pump House Gallery website for more details.**

Cara Tolmie, Pilot (2015). Installation view. Courtesy the artist and Rowing Projects, London
Cara Tolmie, Pilot (2015). Installation view. Courtesy the artist and Rowing Projects, London.