Jasmin Werner @ M.I., Mar 24 – Apr 2

, 21 March 2016

Artist Jasmin Werner will present a solo show The Smell of Cultured Air at Berlin’s M.I. space,  opening March 24 and running April 2.

The exhibition is a continuation of a recent sculptural series consisting of fruit fly traps and a mop head, according to M.I curator Joel Mu, who will be taking part in the show by following written instructions from Werner to make observations of the viewers’ experience, which the artist terms as the ‘solidsphere‘, around and upon exit of the show.

Werner recently showed at Munich’s artist-run space Spreez e. V. with Jan Domicz and seems attracted to replicating rare encounters in daily moments which are then paired with touches of fiction. Werner will also include a painting by Bradley Davies in The Smell of Cultured Air

See the FB event for (limited) details**

Jasmin Werner Untitled from The smell of cultured air 2016 Courtesy the artist and M.I./mi1glissé.
Jasmin Werner ‘Untitled’ (2016) from The smell of cultured air. Courtesy the artist and M.I/mi1glissé, Berlin.