Come Back @ Generation & Display, Mar 4 – Apr 10

, 3 March 2016

Philipp Gufler and Richard John Jones are presenting an exhibition called Come Back at London’s Generation & Display, opening March 4 and running to April 10.

There is little by way of information about the exact form the show will take, except for a piece of prose describing the delicate appearance of a couple of characters including someone with “sinuous rills of dark hair, a splendid beard, a red cap rests jauntily on his head” and another in a “a blue dress with a red shawl draped artfully around it.”

The text ends with analogies of fear, exposure and loss and a final obtuse reference to “Gravedigger mentality.”

Come Back will be the first in a series of two person exhibitions at the industrial space-come-artists studio in North Acton, which opened last year with an inaugural group show called Keep It Simple, Stupid! (K.I.S.S.).

See the Generation & Display website for details.**

Philipp Gufler, 'Becoming-Rabe' (2016). Video installation. Courtesy the artist.
Philipp Gufler, ‘Becoming-Rabe’ (2016). Video installation. Courtesy the artist.