Sarah M Harrison + Hannah Black @ Lisa Cooley, Feb 24

, 23 February 2016

New York’s Lisa Cooley gallery will host the launch of two recent books by Sarah M Harrison and Hannah Black on February 24.

All the Things by Harrison is published by London gallery and publisher, Arcadia Missa, and Black’s Dark Pool Party is published by Arcadia Missa and Dominica.

At the event, the two writers will perform excerpts from their books alongside readings by Jackie Wang, Derica Shields and Jasmine Gibson whose work ‘Drapetomania’ (2015) can be downloaded here.

The event promises wine in little plastic cups and a sense of wellbeing.

See the FB event page for more details and for a short description of both books.**

Sara M Harrison, All the Things (2016). Courtesy Sara M Harrison and Arcadia Missa
Sarah M Harrison, ‘All the Things’ (2016). Courtesy Sarah M Harrison and Arcadia Missa.