Artie Vierkant @ Untitled, Nov 2 – Dec 14

, 31 October 2014

Untitled gallery is hosting their first solo exhibition by artist Artie Vierkant, titled A Model Release and running at the NYC space from November 2 to December 14.

Like many of Vierkant’s previous ones, the show deals with the notion of intellectual property. No, scratch that, the exhibition is intellectual property. The back room holds two patented works from Vierkant’s ‘Exploits‘ series in which he, licensed by patent holders, produced works like ‘Detachable storage rack for a metallic structure’ and ‘Air filter and method of constructing same’, while the front room displays a video, ‘Antoine Office, Antoine Casual’, depicting two photographic 3D scans of the same individual animated using stock motion capture data.

The result is a sly examination of not just representation and symbolism but of the rights of the individual to their intellectual property and their physical representation in the modern world, revealing the “amorphous boundaries that can exist within a single piece of intellectual property, and its expansive possibilities” and how the abstract territory between them gets negotiated and exchanged.

See the A Model Release press release for details. **


The power of the meme in isthisit?’s magazine launch group show The Choice of a New Generation at The Muse, Aug 8 – 13

7 August 2017

Untitled gallery is hosting their first solo exhibition by artist Artie Vierkant, titled A Model Release and running at the NYC space from November 2 to December 14.

Like many of Vierkant’s previous ones, the show deals with the notion of intellectual property. No, scratch that, the exhibition is intellectual property. The back room holds two patented works from Vierkant’s ‘Exploits‘ series in which he, licensed by patent holders, produced works like ‘Detachable storage rack for a metallic structure’ and ‘Air filter and method of constructing same’, while the front room displays a video, ‘Antoine Office, Antoine Casual’, depicting two photographic 3D scans of the same individual animated using stock motion capture data.

The result is a sly examination of not just representation and symbolism but of the rights of the individual to their intellectual property and their physical representation in the modern world, revealing the “amorphous boundaries that can exist within a single piece of intellectual property, and its expansive possibilities” and how the abstract territory between them gets negotiated and exchanged.

See the A Model Release press release for details. **


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