Mobile Life Seminar w/ Harry Sanderson @ KTH, Aug 28

, 27 August 2014

Harry Sanderson will be speaking at the Mobile Life Seminar at Stockholm’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology on August 28.

The artist’s oeuvre includes everything from sound performances to interactive software sculptures and online commissions (such as a recent one Sanderson did with Yuri Pattison at Migrating Origins), using his work to investigate labour’s embeddedness in the language of visual cultures.

For the seminar, Sanderson’s focus falls on the relationships between technology and capitalism, exploring the artistic and cultural potentials of using weaponized surveillance technology, as well as its ethical implications. He does this through several strands of research, examining, among other things, the commodification of attention, neuro-marketing, and the “technologization of the body and the corresponding ‘humanization’ of technology”, as well as the connection between the Cartesian mind-body split and the society’s entrenched division between manual and intellectual labour.

The talk will be broadcast through Bambuser here.

See the KTH event page for details. **

Harry Sanderson & Arcadia Missa from on Vimeo.