Mark Amerika records a Skype conversation

, 12 February 2014

Media artist, novelist and network theorist Mark Amerika and Australian sound and media artist Norie Neumark have made the bold claim to “PERHAPS the first recorded Skype session from an airplane” in a blogpost on experimental literature and new media project Electronic Voice Phenomena.

The recording features a significantly uneven dialogue between Amerika’s crystal-clear conversation from the ground and Neumark’s almost indecipherably distorted voice from the air.

“It sounds like you keep saying that you are a glitch” translates Amerika as one considers this human voice, filtered and subsumed by electronics as the sound of the Singularity to come: “are you sure you’re not talking to me from the future?”

Watch a video interview with Mark Amerika & Shu Lea Cheang and see the original EVP blogpost. **

Header image courtesy Francois Roche.