Mark Amerika

Mark Amerika & Shu Lea Cheang at Furtherfield Gallery

26 July 2013

Furtherfield Gallery in Finsbury Park presents a shared exhibition between pioneering new media aritsts Mark Amerika and Shu Lea Cheang, opening August 31. Respectively named a “Time Magazine 100 Innovator” and a long time member of open media collective Paper Tiger Television, the two artists have been working across disciplines for decades and no doubt have a lot to teach this next generation of digital artists that we at aqnb find so interesting, if they haven’t already.

Sharing the same interests and obsessions as the rising tide of young artists raised on the internet, both Amerika and Cheang “continue to shape and be shaped by contemporary networked media art cultures of remix, glitch, social and environmental encounters”. See the Furtherfield Gallery website for more details.

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