Clouds – Interactive Documentary

, 29 November 2012

Jonathan Minard must be having a few very busy weeks lately, on one side helping digital arts venue Eyebeam recover from the flood New York suffered a few weeks ago, on the other, preparing and polishing the last few details of his upcoming documentary “Clouds“, co-created with media artist James George.

CLOUDS Data capsule with laser etched 3D pointcloud (image via Clouds KS)
CLOUDS Data capsule with laser etched 3D pointcloud (image via Clouds KS) – one of the potential rewards for supporting their project

After many many months in the making and over 6 months since release of the Beta-teaser, “Clouds” is ready for some mainstream love, but as it happens many times… it needs one last push. A push for completing the film but also for that toolkit they’ve created called RGBDT, an open-source software library they’ve developed for 3D filmmaking. Basically they’ve pared XBOX’s Kinect with an HD video camera to generate that bizarre but intriguing hybrid video you can see on their KS clip…

A project we’ve decided to support not just for “RGBDT” but for the story behind, filled with interviews & talks with more than 30 new media artists, curators, designers… obsessed with emerging technologies, new collaborative tools and above all, “new visual expressionism”. One to keep en eye on. More info on the project & film on their KS page.

RGBD Filmmaking DIY Toolkit (image via Clouds KS)
RGBD Filmmaking DIY Toolkit (image via Clouds KS)

Morehshin Allahyari @ Transfer Gallery, Oct 22 – Dec 3

21 October 2016

Jonathan Minard must be having a few very busy weeks lately, on one side helping digital arts venue Eyebeam recover from the flood New York suffered a few weeks ago, on the other, preparing and polishing the last few details of his upcoming documentary “Clouds“, co-created with media artist James George.

CLOUDS Data capsule with laser etched 3D pointcloud (image via Clouds KS)
CLOUDS Data capsule with laser etched 3D pointcloud (image via Clouds KS) – one of the potential rewards for supporting their project

After many many months in the making and over 6 months since release of the Beta-teaser, “Clouds” is ready for some mainstream love, but as it happens many times… it needs one last push. A push for completing the film but also for that toolkit they’ve created called RGBDT, an open-source software library they’ve developed for 3D filmmaking. Basically they’ve pared XBOX’s Kinect with an HD video camera to generate that bizarre but intriguing hybrid video you can see on their KS clip…

A project we’ve decided to support not just for “RGBDT” but for the story behind, filled with interviews & talks with more than 30 new media artists, curators, designers… obsessed with emerging technologies, new collaborative tools and above all, “new visual expressionism”. One to keep en eye on. More info on the project & film on their KS page.

RGBD Filmmaking DIY Toolkit (image via Clouds KS)
RGBD Filmmaking DIY Toolkit (image via Clouds KS)
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