Universal Everything – Studio Documentary

, 26 October 2012

Although Matt Pyke’s increaditeam have been breaking new design barriers since 2004 it hasn’t been until recently that mass media have picked them as one of the most innovative studios on earth. Their MTV monsters became an instant hit back in 2009 and most of the brands they touch seem to rejuvenate instantly. Last year Matt & friends came to Paris for Super Computer Romantics and just last weekend we got to see some of their latest design adventures, this time in the world of 3D printing @ London’s first 3D printshow.

A couple of days ago The Creators Project published the following documentary which visits Matt Pyke into his personal studio and rural environment for some creative confessions on the studio’s working processes and a look at some of their latest projects….

As the founder and creative director of Universal Everything, Matt Pyke leads a creative mission to create gorgeous visual spectacles on screen that, while they will never be attained in physical reality, reinterpret the nuances of natural human motion.

A highly recommended 7min doc which gives a tiny glimpse into that futuristic fairy world UE keep creating. More clips of their works on their vimeo page.