Shade Therét, 'Body As Archive' (2017) Performance documentation. Courtesy the artist + DUVE, Berlin.
Rindon Johnson, 'It Is April' (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artist + DUVE, Berlin.
Jala Wahid, 'I am a Charm' (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artist + DUVE, Berlin.
Julia Colavita, 'Gem Drug' (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artist + DUVE, Berlin.
*the new liquid model* (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artists + DUVE, Berlin.
Harriett Henderson, 'Jelly Installation' (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artist + DUVE, Berlin.
Harriett Henderson, 'Jelly Installation' (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artist + DUVE, Berlin.
Harriett Henderson, 'Jelly Installation' (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artist + DUVE, Berlin.
Harriett Henderson, 'Jelly Installation' (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artist + DUVE, Berlin.
Harriett Henderson, 'Jelly Installation' (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artist + DUVE, Berlin.
Harriett Henderson, 'Jelly Installation' (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artist + DUVE, Berlin.
Harriett Henderson, 'Jelly Installation' (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artist + DUVE, Berlin.
*the new liquid model* (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artists + DUVE, Berlin.

Peeling back parts of the body in trans-disciplinary one night group show *the new liquid model* at DUVE Berlin

, 18 August 2017

The *the new liquid model* group exhibition at Berlin’s DUVE took place over one day on July 27.

Jala Wahid, ‘I am a Charm’ (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artist + DUVE, Berlin.

Curated by Naomi Bisley and Harriett Henderson, the show is part of a new series of “transdisciplinary one-night shows” and featured work by Jala Wahid, Shade Therét, Rindon Johnson, Julia Colavita and Adam Chad Brody.

The works respond to the body as form, as cultural impact upon, as individual understanding, as well as the ‘sociological structures’ that affect it. The event also includes a poem by Henderson, with an excerpt reading:

“…if the soft flesh wobbles, remain
a seething molecule mass vibrating at a certain frequency. this state,
of dense actuality is temporary
to overcome the restrictions of physicality the fruit must be peeled…”**

The *the new liquid model* group exhibition at Berlin’s DUVE took place over one day on July 27.