Adrian Dan @ Suprainfinit Gallery, Feb 18 – Apr 1

, 18 February 2016

Adrian Dan‘s solo exhibition, Muscle B(r)each, is on at Bucharest’s Suprainfinit Gallery, opening February 18 and running to April 1.

Exploring the implications of wearable technologies like kinesiology tapes and hydrotransfer, the press text opens with a detailed account of the material meant for reducing pain but also aesthetically attractive. It’s both functional and fetishistic: “Through the subtle separation it creates between the body and its surface, this medically inspired technique doesn’t only underline muscles and organs but also draws new areas of intensity.”

The press goes on to describe said “fragmentation of the body” in reference to a broad range of cultural references, including Cronenberg’s CrashAvatar and Moby Dick, while announcing an intervention by PierreAlexandre Mateos.

See the Suprainfinit Gallery website for details. **

Adrian Dan, Muscle B(r)each (2016).
Adrian Dan, Muscle B(r)each (2016).