Digital Metallurgy: Corin fuses ancient mythology, sci-fi, & heritage on the thundering beat of ‘Ex Nilalang’

, 3 June 2021

Corin is releasing ENANTIODROMIA via UIQ on June 3, with preview track ‘Ex Nilalang’ premiering via AQNB today. The record marks a transition from her 2019 debut on Bedouin RecordsManifest, club-driven speculation on technological dystopia. Instead, ENANTIODROMIA represents a turn inward, fixating on a nexus of sounds, communities, and ideas relevant to the Filipino-Australian artist’s social and political standing.

Meaning to ‘to create’ in Austronesian language Tagalog, ‘Ex Nilalang’ is one of the first tracks on the record to connect to Corin’s personal experience. She explains in the press release:

“The track is dedicated to Club Ate, a Sydney collective I am part of, which celebrates members of the queer Asia Pacific diaspora, a collaboration dear to myself as a first generation Australian with Filipino parents who migrated here in the 1980s…”

Granular synth effects waver uneasily before grounding firmly into the beat, hammering onward into various electro-percussive arcs and plateaus. The forthright composition spares few moments for relief, carrying on with the clangs and clashes alluding to a new formation.**  

Corin’s ENANTIODROMIA is out via UIQ on June 3, 2021.