“Am I living like an asshole?” Kim Modig & Marina Valle Noronha’s ‘Art Off The Air’ on the motions & emotions of art that travels

, 6 June 2019

Kim Modig & Marina Valle Noronha‘s share their ‘Art Off The Air (AOTA)’ audio piece on art and energy via AQNB today. The respective Helsinki-based artist and curator’s project spans an additional pdf report, published in June, and three public talks performed in three cities on the Baltic Sea—Helsinki, Tallinn and Vilnius.

Featuring fragments of conversation between Modig, Noronha, while Heidi M. Wee contributes music with excerpts of spoken word, field recordings and watery samples, ‘Art Off The Air’ questions the art lifestyle, and the sort of lifestyle it produces. The piece scrutinises the carbon footprint created by the international travel a career in art entails, along with art production itself, while exploring the detrimental effects of such consumption on the artist’s own body: “Are you tired because you work in the arts or do you work in the arts because you are tiiiiiirreed!?’”**

Kim Modig & Marina Valle Noronha’s ‘Art Off The Air (AOTA)’ report on art & energy was published in June, 2019.