The multiple voices of Keru Not Ever’s ‘Zabriskie’ become a source of corruption within a new topology of the parasite

, 19 April 2019

Keru Not Ever (aka Justin Leduc-Frenette) is releasing album The Wind Of ? via Montreal/Mexico City’s Infinite Machine on April 26, with preview track ‘Zabriskie’ premiering via AQNB today. The Montreal-based composer, curator and writer released their debut LP Tereza with the label in 2017, where ambient noise met a beat-less post-club sound design.

The Wind Of ? (its acronym being TWO?) activates what the press release refers to as a ‘new topology’ of ‘the parasite’, which in this case appears to be myriad vocal arrangements applied to the corrupted compositional dissonance of tracks like ‘Équilibre de la terreur’ (‘Balance of Terror’ in English), ‘Xen’ and ‘Molloy (feat. Bianca Scott)’. ‘Zabriskie’ has its own take on this entwined anthropotechnological form in its searching orchestral lines that are tied in with several layers of glottal human vocals hovering over a sibilant atmospheric build up.**

Keru Not Ever’s The Wind Of ? album is out via Montreal/Mexico City’s Infinite Machine on April 26, 2019.