Elizabeth Karp-Evans presents solo show Type of Blue at Shoot The Lobster, Jan 12 – Feb 18

, 10 January 2018

Elizabeth Karp-Evans presents solo exhibition Type of Blue at New York’s Shoot The Lobster opening January 12 and running to February 18.

The upcoming show has no press release or information for what to expect, however previous work often brings together image and text to “disrupt the hierarchies that separate viewer from art.”

Evans is a New York-based writer, editor and artist who also works in art publishing is a previous editor of KARMA and Guernica. Her most recent exhibition New Stage New Badges at New York’s Signal (Apr 8 – May 7, 2017) was a collaboration with Nikholis Planck which included a series of buttons as well as an edited text of Hito Steyerl’s Untitled (In Defense of the Poor Image) into 121 buttons.


Visit the Shoot The Lobster website for details.**

Elizabeth Karp-Evans
+ Nikholis Planck New Stage New Badges (2017) Installation view. Courtesy the artists + Signal, New York.