Native Strategies 5 launch @ Pieter Performance Space, Jul 17

, 15 July 2016

Native Strategies 5: ‘Music Issues: Bodies of Sound’ is launching at Los Angeles’ Pieter Performance Space on July 17.

Co-directed by artists Brian Getnick and Tanya Rubbak, the NS series returns following a two year hiatus with its fifth issue, co-curated with Jules Gimbrone and featuring a collection of conversations, images and essays by artists who “use their bodies as sounding material or treat sound itself as a non body: uncontainable, interpenetrating, and inherently queer.”

The journal follows a 2014 group performance and immersive installation at LACE, co-authored by Getnick and Rubbak, called N(enter)S and part of a developing developing theory about the intrinsically collaborative aspects of performance and design called a ‘live archive’.

Contributors include Odeya Nini, Oscar Miguel Santos (Sister Mantos), Luke Fischbeck (of Lucky Dragons), Anna Luisa Petrisko, Jules Gimbrone, and Erik Avery among others.

See the FB event page for details.**

N(enter)S (2014). Performance view. Courtesy LACE, Los Angeles.
N(enter)S (2014). Performance view. Courtesy LACE, Los Angeles.