Daniel Rourke + Morehshin Allahyari @ Spike Island, Jul 10

, 8 July 2016

Daniel Rourke and Morehshin Allahyari are giving a talk at Bristol’s Spike Island on July 10.

The duo —artist Rourke and artist and new media researcher Allahyari —are currently based in Berlin working on their ‘3D Additivist Manifesto’, which is transcribed in full here. It will be the basis of the talk at Spike Island, curated by artist Tamarin Norwood as a part of her new body of work conducted on the gallery’s residency programme this year.

The manifesto is a call out for radical responses in the form of blueprints, designs, 3D print templates, and essay. Along with the forthcoming ‘Cookbook’, it is, in the duo’s words, a call to push 3D printing and additive technologies to their absolute limits and beyond, into the realm of the speculative, the provocative, and the weird.

See the Spike Island website for more details.**