Eva and Franco Mattes @ Carroll/ Fletcher, Jun 9 – Aug 27

, 7 June 2016

New York-based artist duo Eva and Franco Mattes are presenting their exhibition Abuse Standards Violations at London’s Carroll/Fletcher, opening June 9 and running to August 27.

The pair, who are arguably most famous for their inception of fictional person, Darko Maver, a Serbian artist who made very realistic replications of brutal murder scenes and posted them on social media to get attention (as the story goes), will make all new work for this coming exhibition.

According to the artists’ website, which seems to talk to potential fans that are reading, in the space will be the “next 3 episodes of Dark Content, several crowdsourced performances from the series, Befnoed, and a new work about content moderators guidelines that were leaked to us…”

Abuse Standards Violations will focus thematically on the pair’s long-term examination of imagery that is deemed too dark to be seen on the web and is routinely censored before reaching our eyes by underpaid workers.

Also showing in the London gallery will be a solo show, Planetary-scale Computation, running for the same duration by Joshua Citarella.

See the Carroll/Fletcher website for more details.**

Eva and Franco Mattes, Panick Attach (2016). Installation view. Courtesy SPRING:BREAK and the artists
Eva and Franco Mattes, ‘Panic Attack’ (2016). Installation view. Courtesy SPRING/BREAK and the artists.