Michael Bell-Smith @ Kayne Griffin Corcoran, Apr 2 – May 28

, 1 April 2016

Michael Bell-Smith is presenting solo exhibition, The Diet at LA’s Kayne Griffin Corcoran, opening April 2.

The show features four works of the Brooklyn-based artist’s larger iteration of the Flame Clock series begun in 2012, along with video, vinyl paintings and custom software that come together in intersecting themes that fall under the umbrella of the diet and its implications, as something where “what one consumes to achieve a desired effect: input becoming output”.

Bell-Smith, whose practice predates re-blog and meme culture with early social bookmarking site del.icio.us and the Nasty Nets surfing club, will also present ‘De-Employed_2016’, an update to the 2012 work ‘De-Employed’ that features an 18-second loop of movement and transition. It’s an apt response to the remit of a show dedicated to the regimented eating habits of diets “driven by trends” and constantly change.

Also opening at Kayne Griffin Corcoran in parallel, is The Ocular Bowl group exhibition featuring work by Alex Olson, Agnes Pelton and Linda Stark.

See the Kayne Griffin Corcoran website for details.**

'Readymade Affect': Interview with Michael Bell-Smith in A Lunch Bytes Anthology - No Internet, No Art (ed. Melanie Buehler). Published by Onomatopee, 2015.
‘Readymade Affect’: Interview with Michael Bell-Smith in No Internet, No Art – A Lunch Bytes Anthology (ed. Melanie Buehler). Published by Onomatopee, 2015.

Header image: Michael Bell-Smith, ‘Flames Clock (Left)’ (2016). Custom software. Courtesy Kayne Griffin Corcoran, Los Angeles.