Kihlberg & Henry @ fig-2/ICA Studio, Oct 26 – Nov 1

, 26 October 2015

Karin Kihlberg and Reuben Henry’s new commission This Building, This Breath opens at fig-2 at the ICA Studio on October 26, running from 6pm to 8pm.

The new exhibition is a “hypnotic foray into presentness and the passing of time“, building on the duo’s long-term investigation into “the disembodied voice”, playing with filmic voiceovers to create what they call “the possibility of pushing the art experience into situations of liveness”.

Kihlberg and Henry use sound and moving image as two distinct entities, separating the sources only to rejoin them in a new way. The speaker, hidden behind a screen, voices content that “coincides with the choreography of project images” and repeatedly references various cultural understandings of breathing, while the projected film is compiled from found footage of exerpts from advertorials and other films. The result is a “drive towards an abstract proposition that the room itself is breathing”.

See the exhibition page for details. **