Kapital Architecture: Accumulation @ LSE, Jun 25

, 19 June 2014

The fourth and last installment of the Kapital Architecture series, titled “Accumulation”, will be taking place at London’s LSE on June 25.

Following the previous three debate segments – titled, chronologically, “Circulation”, “Labour”, and “Commodity” – the last debate of the series takes on the concept of accumulation in the context of capitalism and architecture. Through the course of the day, a slew of participants are asked to discuss and debate the particulars and generals of the concept, including Alice Honor Gavin, Christien Garcia, Adam Kaasa, Jack Tan, and Richard Whitby.

The debate series – co-organized by the Royal College of ArtWhen We Build Again and Legion TV as part of the London Festival of Architecture 2014 – is free and open to the public, though early registration is required. 

See the When We Build Again event site for details. **

A Time to Love and a Time to Die from Richard Whitby on Vimeo.