Project Lalo: LA Premiere, Apr 3 – 6

, 31 March 2014

Project LALO, an international exchange between 10 artist-run spaces in the cities of London and Los Angeles, will be following its March premier in London and premiering in LA on April 3-6.

For the duration of the project, the 10 venues in both cities will exchange works from over 90 artists – including the likes of Cathy Lomax, the Topia Gould collective, and Sarah Sparkes – to be presented in five Los Angeles exhibitions throughout April and another five in London throughout the month of May.

To view the complete catalogue of exhibitions, events, and artists, visit the Project LALO website.

POSSESSED from Martin Hampton on Vimeo.

Header image: “Maquillage” by Cathy Lomox. Image courtesy artist.