
, 15 November 2011

THIS, is an app to download. Because it lets you rate EVERYTHING. And you know how important is that right? Say you want to rate your flatmate’s yesterday fart… or that annoying lamp post just outside your doorway. It’s a way of 1) expressing yourself, 2) allowing others to know what you thing about anything 3) maybe make some social justice and putting pressure on your local major so a) they change the lamp post location 2) they forbid your flatmate to fart ever again. That would be pure awesomeness!

So Alex Cornell just like recently released rating-app “Oink” founder  Kevin Rose, thinks there should be a universal rating onslaught (as someone puts it… the perfect mixt between twitter, yelp & foursquare). Oink is…. useful… sometimes, and as they say… “you don’t rate places, you rate the things inside”, the problem is that there far tooo many things inside those places… and if you are to rate every fork, glass or ice cube from your visit @ your local Italian restaurant (which you can….), well….


So even if Alex is “certainly not making fun” of Oink with Jotly he is when it comes to the whole proliferation of useless apps & services these days, and they way they’re marketed. “Private” beta modes, invitation-only, amazing levels of granular analysis (so you only get what really matters to you…) and more blabla topics you get from each new service. The best (or worst) thing about this parody is that the people behind are the guyz & girlz @ firespotter who actually develop similar apps (like Nosh) & are backed by Google ventures so…. maybe it was all just a marketing campaign to re-generate some buzz around their food-rating app?

We all want to become “top users for everything in the world”, and if you’re not, then you’re lacking ambition… or you’re simply a big liar.

Hack the Barbican now running

6 August 2013

THIS, is an app to download. Because it lets you rate EVERYTHING. And you know how important is that right? Say you want to rate your flatmate’s yesterday fart… or that annoying lamp post just outside your doorway. It’s a way of 1) expressing yourself, 2) allowing others to know what you thing about anything 3) maybe make some social justice and putting pressure on your local major so a) they change the lamp post location 2) they forbid your flatmate to fart ever again. That would be pure awesomeness!

So Alex Cornell just like recently released rating-app “Oink” founder  Kevin Rose, thinks there should be a universal rating onslaught (as someone puts it… the perfect mixt between twitter, yelp & foursquare). Oink is…. useful… sometimes, and as they say… “you don’t rate places, you rate the things inside”, the problem is that there far tooo many things inside those places… and if you are to rate every fork, glass or ice cube from your visit @ your local Italian restaurant (which you can….), well….


So even if Alex is “certainly not making fun” of Oink with Jotly he is when it comes to the whole proliferation of useless apps & services these days, and they way they’re marketed. “Private” beta modes, invitation-only, amazing levels of granular analysis (so you only get what really matters to you…) and more blabla topics you get from each new service. The best (or worst) thing about this parody is that the people behind are the guyz & girlz @ firespotter who actually develop similar apps (like Nosh) & are backed by Google ventures so…. maybe it was all just a marketing campaign to re-generate some buzz around their food-rating app?

We all want to become “top users for everything in the world”, and if you’re not, then you’re lacking ambition… or you’re simply a big liar.

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