
, 23 March 2011

Ahhhh Sony and their always irreverent Playstation campaigns. Wait, that’s not a PS… but its related, so it will do. Their latest hit? Kristen Schaal in a series of highly viral, humorous and absurd (PS-only style) ads.

Enhancing the obvious: they have physical gaming-dedicated buttons… like a PSP Go! For most future smartphone owners… this is a trivial feature they won’t even look at, for ALL future smartphone owners which happen to be more than just “casual gamers” those buttons will look like the perfect solution to your thumbs covering the screen. Back to real gaming then?

Escape the map

25 November 2011

Ahhhh Sony and their always irreverent Playstation campaigns. Wait, that’s not a PS… but its related, so it will do. Their latest hit? Kristen Schaal in a series of highly viral, humorous and absurd (PS-only style) ads.

Enhancing the obvious: they have physical gaming-dedicated buttons… like a PSP Go! For most future smartphone owners… this is a trivial feature they won’t even look at, for ALL future smartphone owners which happen to be more than just “casual gamers” those buttons will look like the perfect solution to your thumbs covering the screen. Back to real gaming then?

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Funding friends of friends of friends on Kickstarter

25 August 2011

Ahhhh Sony and their always irreverent Playstation campaigns. Wait, that’s not a PS… but its related, so it will do. Their latest hit? Kristen Schaal in a series of highly viral, humorous and absurd (PS-only style) ads.

Enhancing the obvious: they have physical gaming-dedicated buttons… like a PSP Go! For most future smartphone owners… this is a trivial feature they won’t even look at, for ALL future smartphone owners which happen to be more than just “casual gamers” those buttons will look like the perfect solution to your thumbs covering the screen. Back to real gaming then?

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Ken gets angry

27 June 2011

Ahhhh Sony and their always irreverent Playstation campaigns. Wait, that’s not a PS… but its related, so it will do. Their latest hit? Kristen Schaal in a series of highly viral, humorous and absurd (PS-only style) ads.

Enhancing the obvious: they have physical gaming-dedicated buttons… like a PSP Go! For most future smartphone owners… this is a trivial feature they won’t even look at, for ALL future smartphone owners which happen to be more than just “casual gamers” those buttons will look like the perfect solution to your thumbs covering the screen. Back to real gaming then?

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