Howl Animation

, 6 February 2011

If you haven’t seen Howl, well… you may want to, but you may want to read a bit about the main character Allen Ginsberg,  the poem and the background behind the Beat Generation and their ideals. In any case Eric Drooker (our favorite NewYorker illustrator) was pointed as the animator for the poem…

And this bit of the film (which despite not being mind-blowing we still recommend) is now on-line thanks to the magic of Youtube!

It’s not an easy one, but watch it a few times and while you get to understand the subtleties, you’ll enjoy it more & more. If you survive these first three parts then you may want to finish the free ride with the other 4 parts on Freakture’s channel.

365 – April

1 May 2013

If you haven’t seen Howl, well… you may want to, but you may want to read a bit about the main character Allen Ginsberg,  the poem and the background behind the Beat Generation and their ideals. In any case Eric Drooker (our favorite NewYorker illustrator) was pointed as the animator for the poem…

And this bit of the film (which despite not being mind-blowing we still recommend) is now on-line thanks to the magic of Youtube!

It’s not an easy one, but watch it a few times and while you get to understand the subtleties, you’ll enjoy it more & more. If you survive these first three parts then you may want to finish the free ride with the other 4 parts on Freakture’s channel.

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Takashi Murakami’s ‘Jellyfish Eyes’ premiered in LA.

Takashi Murakami. 'Jellyfish Eyes'.
15 April 2013

If you haven’t seen Howl, well… you may want to, but you may want to read a bit about the main character Allen Ginsberg,  the poem and the background behind the Beat Generation and their ideals. In any case Eric Drooker (our favorite NewYorker illustrator) was pointed as the animator for the poem…

And this bit of the film (which despite not being mind-blowing we still recommend) is now on-line thanks to the magic of Youtube!

It’s not an easy one, but watch it a few times and while you get to understand the subtleties, you’ll enjoy it more & more. If you survive these first three parts then you may want to finish the free ride with the other 4 parts on Freakture’s channel.

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Doomed: a biological cartoon!

9 February 2013

If you haven’t seen Howl, well… you may want to, but you may want to read a bit about the main character Allen Ginsberg,  the poem and the background behind the Beat Generation and their ideals. In any case Eric Drooker (our favorite NewYorker illustrator) was pointed as the animator for the poem…

And this bit of the film (which despite not being mind-blowing we still recommend) is now on-line thanks to the magic of Youtube!

It’s not an easy one, but watch it a few times and while you get to understand the subtleties, you’ll enjoy it more & more. If you survive these first three parts then you may want to finish the free ride with the other 4 parts on Freakture’s channel.

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