Life Begins At Incorporation: cartoons and essays

, 10 November 2012

American political cartoonist and Pulitzer nominee Matt Bors is currently trying luck in the crowdfunding space by launching a book publishing adventure with a collection of his best political cartoons and essays. And because he doesn’t have a $250 million fortune and the political cartooning freelance market isn’t as stable as it used to be, crowdfunding seems the only way. Well guess what.. he has just succeeded a few hours ago!

Matt Bors - Romney
Matt Bors – Romney (images (c) Matt Bors)

But $25K is only the first step. As it usually happens with other successful campaigns, stretch goals get bigger and bigger to make the projects more “awesome and awesome”. In the case of Matt it will simply help to print a second collection of his works… (or even get him to poop his pants!). And because there’s never enough political satire in this world we thought you may want to grab one of his pdfs or printed copies, filled with robot death planes, avenging uterus or spoiled new generations. More info on his KS page.

La muerte en los ojos

5 January 2013

American political cartoonist and Pulitzer nominee Matt Bors is currently trying luck in the crowdfunding space by launching a book publishing adventure with a collection of his best political cartoons and essays. And because he doesn’t have a $250 million fortune and the political cartooning freelance market isn’t as stable as it used to be, crowdfunding seems the only way. Well guess what.. he has just succeeded a few hours ago!

Matt Bors - Romney
Matt Bors – Romney (images (c) Matt Bors)

But $25K is only the first step. As it usually happens with other successful campaigns, stretch goals get bigger and bigger to make the projects more “awesome and awesome”. In the case of Matt it will simply help to print a second collection of his works… (or even get him to poop his pants!). And because there’s never enough political satire in this world we thought you may want to grab one of his pdfs or printed copies, filled with robot death planes, avenging uterus or spoiled new generations. More info on his KS page.

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