Say Much

, 29 September 2012

I’ve heard that Moscow’s suburb’s dogs are kind of dangerous… homeless canines that far from cute & gentle have given the Muscovites quite a few headaches for several decades… although I guess Pablo didn’t have to travel that far to shoot his latest clip.

Cross-media Dutch artist Pablo van Wetten presents us with his latest adventure in the musical world (hard not to miss with his active self-promo campaign on Vimeo) with a half Belmondonian half Norman Bates love story of beauty and obsession, jealousy and secrecy which gives “Say Much” more of a soundtrack & cinematic experience than a full-flavored standalone musical feeling.

It is however powerful enough to leave us wanting more, especially after discovering his previous intimate and open-hearted single “Velvet Regrets”, wanting more of that undefined DIY Dutch scene which he surely belongs to.