Read-Only Memory

, 12 September 2012

Far too many projects to back these days (maybe this month…) and yet, we get to find one new exciting idea to support again and again. This week we have a publication orgasm conceived by art director Darren Wall (who already has some experience with beautifully-designed books).

Read-Only Memory” is his new baby… a new publishing company “specialising in high-quality video game products” which is about to release their first book:  a biography of Sensible Software.

SSoftware page
SSoftware page

The now defunct Brit gaming studio gets its very own book to kick-off this adventure on “classic and not-so-classic videogames and their makers” with a series of monograph books that should combine, like with this first proposed work, some careful art book production with great gaming journalism, and exhaustive set of visuals and what we like the most… some dedicated extras like SS EP which includes some of their great 80s & 90s songs… which to most people (much like SS itself) could sound a bit too “extravaganza” for a first release… but it sounds like a great tribute and a better way to start a business like Read-only Memory.

Sensible Software EP
Sensible Software EP

30K is their goal, and their pretty much on their way to achieve it… maybe a little push could help ($38 will already give you a copy of the book)… although the Vinyl edition is a slightly … not-cheap. More info this way.