Love and Rockets New Stories #5

, 16 June 2012

Keeping a 30-year-old comic revolution alive isn’t easy, well with an annual release it’s certainly easier than during the 80s, but still, not easy.  Making such annual release to be considered and named year after year the best graphic novel by most critics and renown publications is a miracle… and a lot of hardwork.

Love and rockets 5
Love and rockets #5

L&R: New Series is back with their annual release next September which on one side will provide Jaimie Hernandez switching focus to Ray’s ex: “Frogmouth”. Jaimie’s second story “Crime Raiders International Mobsters and Executioners,” will bring Tonta, the Frogmouth’s half-sister, visiting for a weekend…

Jaime Hernandez is hard at work inking his pages for Love and Rockets - New Stories #5
Jaime Hernandez is hard at work inking his pages for Love and Rockets – New Stories #5

On the other-brother side, Gilbert Hernandez celebrates the 30th anniversary by bringing one of his current characters (“Killer,” granddaughter to the legendary Luba) into the Palomar milieu in a story that showcases a fictionalized “movie” Palomar …

… a must have for many of us, and released under Fantagraphics as usual.