Joann Sfar’s take on French presidential election

, 5 May 2012

Tomorrow everything will be over (thank god), we’ll get to know who is France’s new flashy president… Flamby le petit calumniateur our Monsieur BlingBling le pov’con. Both of them are just as good or bad for France, although this is arguable. Although…. not everything will be completely over coss just in a few weeks they’ll be back with the legislative elections….

Integrite - Image by Joann Sfar
"When I laugh at Sarkozy they retweet me much more... I should reaffirm my left-wing support" Integrite - Image by Joann Sfar

Our admired Joann Sfar (you know… Gainsbourg, Rabbi’s cat) has been tweeting and drawing quite intensively over the past few days pre and post Sarkozy-Hollande TV debate with some great political cartoon hits that summarize pretty well the political campaign.

Sarko apres le debat - drawing by Joann Sfar
"I don't understand why that was shocking! It's not my fault if the Maghreb is full of arabs" Sarko apres le debat - drawing by Joann Sfar
Haute Tenue - Drawing by  Joann Sfar
Haute Tenue - Drawing by Joann Sfar

But above all discussions, satires and cartoon irony Joann is very right about one thing… if Sarkozy leaves tomorrow… there will be soooooooo many French cartoonists and humorists (think Canal + Guignols above all) will go into mourning… the rest of his prolific political cartoons (and many of his previous doodles) are available on-line on his twitter photostream.

Depart de Sarkozy - drawing by Joann Sfar
Depart de Sarkozy - drawing by Joann Sfar

RIP Mingote

8 April 2012

Tomorrow everything will be over (thank god), we’ll get to know who is France’s new flashy president… Flamby le petit calumniateur our Monsieur BlingBling le pov’con. Both of them are just as good or bad for France, although this is arguable. Although…. not everything will be completely over coss just in a few weeks they’ll be back with the legislative elections….

Integrite - Image by Joann Sfar
"When I laugh at Sarkozy they retweet me much more... I should reaffirm my left-wing support" Integrite - Image by Joann Sfar

Our admired Joann Sfar (you know… Gainsbourg, Rabbi’s cat) has been tweeting and drawing quite intensively over the past few days pre and post Sarkozy-Hollande TV debate with some great political cartoon hits that summarize pretty well the political campaign.

Sarko apres le debat - drawing by Joann Sfar
"I don't understand why that was shocking! It's not my fault if the Maghreb is full of arabs" Sarko apres le debat - drawing by Joann Sfar
Haute Tenue - Drawing by  Joann Sfar
Haute Tenue - Drawing by Joann Sfar

But above all discussions, satires and cartoon irony Joann is very right about one thing… if Sarkozy leaves tomorrow… there will be soooooooo many French cartoonists and humorists (think Canal + Guignols above all) will go into mourning… the rest of his prolific political cartoons (and many of his previous doodles) are available on-line on his twitter photostream.

Depart de Sarkozy - drawing by Joann Sfar
Depart de Sarkozy - drawing by Joann Sfar
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