Time To Dance

, 12 March 2012

Yes yes whatever. It’s a remake of everything and anything you love or hate the most, from American Psycho to Zodiac and all that Jazz… but having Jake Gyllenhaal killing hipsters like there was no tomorrow is at least… funny. Maybe not cool, but you’ll have a good laugh tonight before going to bed, thinking he’s leaving a better world for our children.. and his.

The Shoes time to dance cover
The Shoes time to dance cover

Nice clip full of boring clichés by Daniel Wolfe (from Somesuch) for The Shoes‘ “Time to Dance” never ending hit and whose EP just got released today (oh wow, how handy!). Hey, we’re giving it a post… so that means we like it … somehow, funny to see the pipol @ Noisey stopped the stats counter @ some early point, too much traffic?