Roland’s 3D Hobby Milling Machine

, 7 February 2012

One more Japanese gadget for the day. Thank god they’re here to manufacture easy to use “take-me-home” 3D printing machines (although this is arguable) because I still remember the one Madrid’s MediaLab Prado had created a few years ago… which didn’t actually work during public demonstrations.

Roland DG (the printing, plotters and vinyl cutters branch of the  Japanese music instrument manufacturer) has been commercializing their friendly 3D printer since last year in Japan, also available in some pars of Europe (like the UK) for around £600. And last week they introduced it to the American market….


This wonder is obviously aimed at anyone feeling creative, with some CAD and basic design options… and 900$ to spare. The Roland 3D printer aimed at end customers is capable of producing pretty much anything you can design to be carved in plastic, wax, foam or balsa wood. A few toyz? Some imitation jewelery for your daughter? Hell yes!

Although things will have to be small as the milling area is reduced to 3,4×2,2x1inches. And if you can’t wait to read and learn how to use iModela’s Creator design software or how to import your CAD files, they prepared these videos last year to help you out with the process. Too bad they’re in Japanese.

More info on the official page, the US site or the UK one.