Mr Sevellec @ Hey!

, 21 January 2012

La Halle St Pierre in the middle of Montmartre is still hosting for the next few weeks  that horribly pop exhibition which includes some of the most well-known contemporary pop artists in the world (many Frenchies of course). From the deformed characters of comic illustrator Ludovic Debeurme (who got pretty famous last year after his English-language debut with Lucille) to the Boschian and creepy nightmares from Mia Mäkilä.

Detail from Sevellec's butchery - photo by quadralectics
Detail from Sevellec's butchery - photo by quadralectics

Most of the artists in the exhibition have something in common: a passion for dark & distorted situations and deformed creatures. An art that French pop-art mag HEY! (co-organizer of the exhibition) is very keen to promote and talk about in their year-old publication.

From that long list of 63 artists (with our personal favorites Dave Cooper, Elzo Durt, Neozoon or Lin Shih-Yung) we’d suggest you pay special attention to the art of Ronan-Jim Sevellec (that is …  if you have the opportunity to visit the 7€ exhibition).

He only has a couple of his shoe-box miniature dollhouses (or more like slaughterhouses) @ La Halle St Pierre, but god they shine over the rest.

Butchery by Ronan-Jim Sevellec
Butchery by Ronan-Jim Sevellec

Despite his initial career in painting and modeling Ronan decided in his late 30s he had painted enough and “vanished” from the French cultural scene for around a decade; only to come back in 1989 with his shoe-box art exhibition @ Elbeuf (Normandy). His art became a hit in the mid-90s when Parisian gallery Soulié dedicated their  space @ 6ieme arrondissement for a solo exhibition, and many shows came short after. The Halle St Pierre did the same in 1998 & 2003 and now 2 of his most bloody (but also tempting) works have been selected for this pop show.

Detail from Resserre aux accessoires
Detail from Resserre aux accessoires

Still more than a month to visit the “expo” which has many ups & downs … maybe worth waiting until HSP open up their whole market hall to this Breton again?