Grid: Augmented Reality Gaming

, 30 December 2011

Here’s a new twist to the Augmented Reality hype that hasn’t stopped growing for the past few years (and won’t stop until we have fully immersive experiences) : Grid.

new ways of gaming explored
new ways of gaming explored

Since the explosion of AR apps on iOS (Layar, Acrossair) the list of activities that increase our interactivity with social and architectural spaces hasn’t stopped growing. From apps that allow you discover how cities looked like many centuries ago, to car finders, travel guides and even the whole Wikipedia taken to our real world.

Grid, a project by Sahar Fikouhi, also tries to explore how to extend our interactivity with real space through our mobile phone merging reality with digital practices by proposing real-time gaming at an architectural scale. The interesting part here is that the generated AR environment  has a one to one scale, this should allow you to test the possibilities of augmented reality in the built environment.

Grid Room... a whole room covered with wallpaper acting as a 360° marker
Grid Room... a whole room covered with wallpaper acting as a 360° marker

Think of it as a real-life sized  architectural playground… The project uses a simple architectural maze which people can navigate through in real-time. The prototype was developed for the iphone using Qualcomm Augmented Reality SDK and Xcode.

Now it’s only a matter of time until Sony, Msoft & co start commercializing more sophisticated head-mounted displays, and we all put markers all around the city… the possibilities are endless!