Deja Vu

, 21 October 2011

Gringos may be obsessed (just a tiny bit more than average world citizens) with vampires, werewolfs (more of a European classic) but above all… with zombies. Dead walkers who just got their 2nd tv series going on and will never stop fascinating and enriching our nighttime stories.

In a rather well-acted and credible episode of Brooklyn style zombish rock Xray Eyeballs have a new video directed by Eva Aridjis for their summer-released single  “Sundae” / “Deja Vu” which they just uploaded earlier this week to vimeo. I personally think Carly Rabalais walks to fast to be credible (more like drunk than zombie) but again, maybe she got infected while on speed or something?


Xray Eyeballs – Sundae by hardlyartrecords