Tiny & Big

, 27 February 2011

Tomorrow starts the 2011 IGF in San Francisco, and for over a week a lot of joy will be spread in and out of the Games Festival Pavilion, new games and contacts to be made while anxiously waiting for the 3rd night to come.

Because next Wednesday night the awards will be presented, and we’ll finally  get know which are the big names for this year. A few weeks ago we talked about FRACT, one of the student showcase category finalists & winners (our favourite) but we have to say they’re all quite amazing, from the always challenging and visually addictive puzzle TOYS to the simplicity of PaperPlane; they’re all worth playing… and paying for (but you don’t have to as they’re all free for download!).

Tiny&Big is addictive like the rest, but what it really grabbed our attention wasn’t the playability, environment interactivity or those big massive bold letters that pop up with every action. For us it was all about the story of the character… touching & deep enough to keep us thinking….

Tiny and Big (link not working right now, and free download neither) tells the story of a thief who had stolen our hero’s most valued possession – a pair of underpants. The game basically is about him trying to chase Mr. Big who had escaped to the top of a tall mountain. Armed with a raygun and a grappling hook, you must cut pillars and solid rock to build yourself platforms to stand or jump on.

The guys behind the game (who’ve been developing this saga for over 2 years now) are Johannes Spohr, Sebastian Stamm, Sebastian Schulz & Christian Niemand who for the occasion have teamed up as Black Pants studio.