The Backwater Gospel

, 18 February 2011

Who is The Undertaker coming for today? For those of you in Viborg of course! Latest jewel from the Danish school The Animation Workshop, this time by Bo Mathorne & co…

The Blackwater Gospel is this year’s bachelor’s film project from a group of students at AW mixing a good bunch of techniques,  (which seems to be the most successful trend in the animation world lately)… something not for kids definitely.

Capcom could definitely hire this team for their upcoming Resident Evil series, them, or any other video game studio in need of an amazingly scary atmosphere for a new title. Very Stephen King… very Salem’s Lot.

And the makings of by Bo & Arthur Gil Larsen (lead animator)… Not bad for a first!

here’s the full crew list… (and congrats to all)!!

Bo Mathorne – Director
Arthur Gil Larsen – Animation Lead
Mads Simonsen – Technical director
Thomas Grønlund – Animator
Rie Nymand – Animator
Esben Sloth – Art Director
Martin Holm-Grevy – Environment lead
Tue Toft Sørensen – Animator