
, 10 February 2011

This year is going to be tablet, after tablet after tablet (wait, you may get 1 or 2 other appealing devices in between each announcement), and yesterday it was all about WebOS and the things to come from HP…Palm (as a brand) is definitely gone but their biggest achievement in the last few years, webOS, will apparently be powering most HP “smart” devices from now on. And so the 9.7-inch tablet was unveiled yesterday along the HP Pre3 (basically Palm’s Pre 2) and the Veer (a mini-Pre).

The TouchPad carries a 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon dual-CPU, 1GB or ram, a 1.3mpx camera (no rear) and comes in 2 flavors… 16GB & 32GB of storage capacity. Now the availability is supposed to be this summer (no pricing yet), but again…. won’t it be too late now that 23534 many other tablets will be appearing at MWC next week and Apple will also be launching the iPad 2 (and rumours of iPad 3 not too distant) in no-time?

Still, HP will eventually crack the market and grab some decent market share with their webOS, it’s a matter of time. and keeping the user “synchronised” within their ecosystem, just like Google, Apple & Msoft are doing. And as you know webOS, touchpad, Pre & others are still way better than any Apple product when it comes to some real business applications … from the calendar & mailing system to the real multitasking & browsing (besides really neat touches like the touch to share in between tablet & smartphones or the wireless Touchstone charger).

May not be as sexy, but just like the Playbook, it’s a matter of positioning this tablet as a serious working tool & not a toy. Full announcement…

Digital Bolex

15 March 2012

This year is going to be tablet, after tablet after tablet (wait, you may get 1 or 2 other appealing devices in between each announcement), and yesterday it was all about WebOS and the things to come from HP…Palm (as a brand) is definitely gone but their biggest achievement in the last few years, webOS, will apparently be powering most HP “smart” devices from now on. And so the 9.7-inch tablet was unveiled yesterday along the HP Pre3 (basically Palm’s Pre 2) and the Veer (a mini-Pre).

The TouchPad carries a 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon dual-CPU, 1GB or ram, a 1.3mpx camera (no rear) and comes in 2 flavors… 16GB & 32GB of storage capacity. Now the availability is supposed to be this summer (no pricing yet), but again…. won’t it be too late now that 23534 many other tablets will be appearing at MWC next week and Apple will also be launching the iPad 2 (and rumours of iPad 3 not too distant) in no-time?

Still, HP will eventually crack the market and grab some decent market share with their webOS, it’s a matter of time. and keeping the user “synchronised” within their ecosystem, just like Google, Apple & Msoft are doing. And as you know webOS, touchpad, Pre & others are still way better than any Apple product when it comes to some real business applications … from the calendar & mailing system to the real multitasking & browsing (besides really neat touches like the touch to share in between tablet & smartphones or the wireless Touchstone charger).

May not be as sexy, but just like the Playbook, it’s a matter of positioning this tablet as a serious working tool & not a toy. Full announcement…

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2 August 2011

This year is going to be tablet, after tablet after tablet (wait, you may get 1 or 2 other appealing devices in between each announcement), and yesterday it was all about WebOS and the things to come from HP…Palm (as a brand) is definitely gone but their biggest achievement in the last few years, webOS, will apparently be powering most HP “smart” devices from now on. And so the 9.7-inch tablet was unveiled yesterday along the HP Pre3 (basically Palm’s Pre 2) and the Veer (a mini-Pre).

The TouchPad carries a 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon dual-CPU, 1GB or ram, a 1.3mpx camera (no rear) and comes in 2 flavors… 16GB & 32GB of storage capacity. Now the availability is supposed to be this summer (no pricing yet), but again…. won’t it be too late now that 23534 many other tablets will be appearing at MWC next week and Apple will also be launching the iPad 2 (and rumours of iPad 3 not too distant) in no-time?

Still, HP will eventually crack the market and grab some decent market share with their webOS, it’s a matter of time. and keeping the user “synchronised” within their ecosystem, just like Google, Apple & Msoft are doing. And as you know webOS, touchpad, Pre & others are still way better than any Apple product when it comes to some real business applications … from the calendar & mailing system to the real multitasking & browsing (besides really neat touches like the touch to share in between tablet & smartphones or the wireless Touchstone charger).

May not be as sexy, but just like the Playbook, it’s a matter of positioning this tablet as a serious working tool & not a toy. Full announcement…

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15 July 2011

This year is going to be tablet, after tablet after tablet (wait, you may get 1 or 2 other appealing devices in between each announcement), and yesterday it was all about WebOS and the things to come from HP…Palm (as a brand) is definitely gone but their biggest achievement in the last few years, webOS, will apparently be powering most HP “smart” devices from now on. And so the 9.7-inch tablet was unveiled yesterday along the HP Pre3 (basically Palm’s Pre 2) and the Veer (a mini-Pre).

The TouchPad carries a 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon dual-CPU, 1GB or ram, a 1.3mpx camera (no rear) and comes in 2 flavors… 16GB & 32GB of storage capacity. Now the availability is supposed to be this summer (no pricing yet), but again…. won’t it be too late now that 23534 many other tablets will be appearing at MWC next week and Apple will also be launching the iPad 2 (and rumours of iPad 3 not too distant) in no-time?

Still, HP will eventually crack the market and grab some decent market share with their webOS, it’s a matter of time. and keeping the user “synchronised” within their ecosystem, just like Google, Apple & Msoft are doing. And as you know webOS, touchpad, Pre & others are still way better than any Apple product when it comes to some real business applications … from the calendar & mailing system to the real multitasking & browsing (besides really neat touches like the touch to share in between tablet & smartphones or the wireless Touchstone charger).

May not be as sexy, but just like the Playbook, it’s a matter of positioning this tablet as a serious working tool & not a toy. Full announcement…

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