Robert Hodgin

, 27 December 2010

Body Dysmorphic Disorders,  body echoes, inivisibility…. interactive generative animation with your body movements, from the comfort of your bed/couch and laptop/web-cam….

It’s not the first time we see someone hacking the power of Kinect and all its wonders to bring some art or to give Microsoft’s best 2008 technological acquisition a brand new usage. In the case of Robert Hodgin he’s constantly pushing the limits of PrimeSense 3D scanner & reconstruction system with some great results.

And everything he’s doing lately is with “Cinder” the programming library for C++ that many artists are using nowadays (released last spring and used as an alternative to tools like the Java-based Processing library, Microsoft Silverlight or Adobe Flash); as well as Processing.

Body Dysmorphia

On his website Flight404 Robert does showcase his works (although more appropriate to visit his personal site) but at the same time he uses it as a library and  as a tutorial for you all Cinder & Processing lovers (or even if you’re not familiarized with) to make your creativity evolve… in a digital way.

Lately he’s been working a lot on Kinect (as you’ve seen some of the results up here) but maybe you should also check out his Flocking Tutorial for Cinder and all his previous works, many of which have been widely used and featured in several exhibitions, tours, magazines such as Wired or Juxtapoz.

In the meanwhile, just keep enjoying and learning from his works….

Fuji, test render from flight404

and a funny app “Le Petit Dummy” for iPhone he developped with Bill Lindmeier summer 2009

Geek Run

17 March 2011

Body Dysmorphic Disorders,  body echoes, inivisibility…. interactive generative animation with your body movements, from the comfort of your bed/couch and laptop/web-cam….

It’s not the first time we see someone hacking the power of Kinect and all its wonders to bring some art or to give Microsoft’s best 2008 technological acquisition a brand new usage. In the case of Robert Hodgin he’s constantly pushing the limits of PrimeSense 3D scanner & reconstruction system with some great results.

And everything he’s doing lately is with “Cinder” the programming library for C++ that many artists are using nowadays (released last spring and used as an alternative to tools like the Java-based Processing library, Microsoft Silverlight or Adobe Flash); as well as Processing.

Body Dysmorphia

On his website Flight404 Robert does showcase his works (although more appropriate to visit his personal site) but at the same time he uses it as a library and  as a tutorial for you all Cinder & Processing lovers (or even if you’re not familiarized with) to make your creativity evolve… in a digital way.

Lately he’s been working a lot on Kinect (as you’ve seen some of the results up here) but maybe you should also check out his Flocking Tutorial for Cinder and all his previous works, many of which have been widely used and featured in several exhibitions, tours, magazines such as Wired or Juxtapoz.

In the meanwhile, just keep enjoying and learning from his works….

Fuji, test render from flight404

and a funny app “Le Petit Dummy” for iPhone he developped with Bill Lindmeier summer 2009

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